Rachael Gunn, better known as B-girl RayGun, made waves online during her appearance at the Paris 2024 Olympics. Competing in battles against b-girls from the USA, France, and Lithuania, the Australian breaker showcased unique moves like kangaroo hopping and swimming on the ground, leaving a lasting impression despite her brief stage time.
Raygun’s Olympic performance sparked a mix of reactions, with a variety of opinions being shared across social media platforms:
Criticism and Disbelief: Some users expressed disappointment that Raygun was chosen to represent Australia, with comments questioning her skills compared to other competitors. For example, one user sarcastically remarked, “There’s 27.7 million Australians in the world and that’s who they send to the Olympics for this inaugural event??? C’mon now!”
Memes and Jokes: Raygun's unique moves, such as kangaroo hopping and swimming on the ground, inspired a wave of memes and humorous posts. While these were shared widely, they often carried a tone of mocking or disbelief.
Debate Over Breaking in the Olympics: Her performance also reignited discussions about whether breaking should be included in the Olympics at all. Some questioned its place as a competitive sport on such a prestigious international stage.
Support and Appreciation: On the other hand, there were also those who defended Raygun, praising her creativity and artistic approach. Some users highlighted the importance of diversity in the Olympics, emphasizing that not every athlete needs to fit a conventional mold to make a positive impact.
Admiration for Her Background: Raygun's supporters also pointed out her achievements outside of the competition, such as her academic career as a lecturer on dance and gender politics, which added a layer of respect for her multifaceted talents.
Break dancing is a sport defined by freedom and creativity, offering vast opportunities for self-expression. Olympic breaking, like other Olympic sports, demands high levels of physical and technical skill. The medalists—Ami, Nicka, and 671—delivered gravity-defying, dynamic performances that demonstrated the sport's intense athleticism.
Raygun, however, approached the competition differently.
“I was never going to beat these girls on what they do best, the dynamic and the power moves, so I wanted to move differently, be artistic and creative,”
she explained to reporters. Her goal was to make her own mark on the international stage, and in many ways, she succeeded.
The Olympics celebrate diversity and unity, bringing together athletes from all corners of the globe. Naturally, this means that some competitors will face stronger opponents. In the case of breaking, Australia isn't as competitive as other nations, but that doesn’t diminish Raygun’s achievements.
Raygun earned her spot in Paris by winning the 2023 Oceania Breaking Championship and had previously represented Australia at the 2021 and 2022 World Championships. Although she didn’t advance beyond the group stage, she was a worthy representative for her country. Outside of breaking, Raygun is Dr. Gunn, a lecturer on dance and gender politics at Macquarie University.
Reflecting on her Olympic journey, Raygun shared her enthusiasm:
“It was amazing. Such an amazing experience. What a stage, what an arena, what a crowd. Music was great. Like, oh, so, so grateful for the opportunity.”
In true Australian self depreciating style Raygun has become a sort of Antihero and encompasses the Aussie Spirit of "just giving it a go".
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